Nowadays, the pace of life is so fast that we hardly take the necessary time to contemplate and become whole. When our mind is continuously distracted and over-stimulated, we have knee-jerk reactions that we later regret. We also tend to blame others for our discomfort or our anger. We must take full responsibility for ourselves before we can take the following steps forward in our evolution.
So, let’s review two keys to work on that can help us out.
It is about respecting those who are different, those who have made choices different from ours, those who prefer to remain hooked on the Matrix, those whom we perceive to be on the wrong path, and even those who allow themselves to be dominated. Each one has sovereignty over his own life, even if it is a family member or a close friend.
Of course, we would like everyone to make the same decisions as us and walk together on the same path, but the reality is that this does not work like that.
It is our prerogative to choose how to live our lives and make decisions about our minds, body, and the use of our vital energy. And that does not make us better or worse, just sovereign. You have to be able to respect others in the same way that you want to be respected.
We are not gods who can perceive each soul’s grand plan. We do not know the causes and conditions that each being has chosen, the individual karma, the lessons they have to go through, or the experiences they have chosen to learn.
Setting ourselves up as judges is out of place. Even adopting the role of savior is not correct.
We are not here to convince anyone of anything, no matter how passionate we are about our cause or perspective.
All roads lead to Rome. Some are more direct, others run over hills, and others take detours. Ours is not the only one, nor is it generalizable. It is perfect for us but not necessarily extrapolated. Every path is sacred.
The opposite of respect is judgment, which is widespread among human beings. Believing that we have the truth is a habitual characteristic of the ego because it infuses it with a very effective layer of superiority. Like peacocks, it allows us to appear (or perceive ourselves) inflated and showy.
It is a ploy that loses us and disconnects us from consciousness. It separates us from our brothers, creates conflicts, and destroys us. To vilify others and judge them under any excuse is unacceptable and delays our spiritual awakening because it is a significant obstacle.
Finding balance is difficult when our life is full of obligations, activities, and a frenetic rhythm. It is practically impossible if we are nervous, stressed, or worried. Also, if our head is a symphony of noise, chaos, and cacophony. We turn any message received or disagreement into a drama or a threat to our fragile stability. Life like this is perceived as walking on a tightrope or a Ferris wheel from which we can never get off. Thus, we cannot pretend to move to another stage of evolution.
Being in balance means staying anchored no matter what. We are talking about mastering the ability to remain on our axis despite conflict or confusion.
It is achieved by cultivating patience and temperance instead of reacting angrily and automatically. It also entails keeping neutrality instead of getting into a merry-go-round of emotions.
If our partner makes a lousy gesture or gets angry, we should not get mad. If colleagues are dedicated to gossiping about others at work, do not get carried away by those bad vibrations. If our child throws a tantrum, do not allow it to get us out of control. If politicians threaten draconian measures, do not fall down the cliffs of fear.
It is about operating from equanimity, mental clarity, and internal silence that allows us to choose instead of being dragged. It feels like a mountain firmly established on the solid ground of nature, watching the seasons, the storms, and the winds go by without feeling personally involved. Everything is ephemeral, and nothing so severe as to cause restlessness, anger, or anguish.
You accept what comes with ease and without resistance, knowing that you are in charge of your mind and reactivity is no longer a tolerable option. People and circumstances matter to you, but you recognize that their suffering is not up to you or your control.
By adopting the role of the witness, you can observe everything. Still, you do not allow external circumstances to determine your emotions, feelings, and thoughts, living on a constant roller coaster.
To progress in our inner development, we must become masters of our minds and remain at peace at all times. Moving from an external modus operandi to an internal one is a game-changer.
* Author: Mónica Esgueva
* Originally published on Medium (Mystic Minds)