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The 7 Levels of Wisdom

A Path to Fulfillment

A straightforward and compelling approach to how to reach the highest levels of consciousness, wisdom, and inner peace.

Most Westerners, it seems, don't relate to traditional Eastern spiritual practices, mainly because there is a disconnect between traditional Eastern approaches and modern society's mindset and current environment.

In The 7 Levels of Wisdom, a path toward a more enlightened and fulfilling life is analyzed. Meant to expand both knowledge and awareness, this path offers the richness of Eastern philosophies tailored for the Western mind.

The 7 Levels of Wisdom covers different related topics crucial for understanding and leading a personal transformation, intending to inspire people to reach the highest levels of human consciousness, the most important goal, and to see it as something they can do regardless of their responsibilities or life conditions.

By assessing and describing the different stages of human consciousness, The 7 Levels of Wisdom will help its readers identify where they are on the progressive path toward enlightenment, as well as what lies ahead.

The Author

Advocate for Inner Peace and Consciousness, Mónica Esgueva is a renowned self-development teacher and spiritual guide known for bridging the gap between Eastern and Western philosophies. With a profound understanding of the mind, human consciousness, and spirituality, she has been helping the transformation of individuals for more than sixteen years.

Central to Mónica’s teaching and studies is the written word. She is the author of 9 books, including the bestseller in Spain and Latin America, “Mindfulness,” and her latest book in English, “The 7 Levels of Wisdom.” Born with remarkable spiritual awareness, she immersed herself in profound teachings from Tibetan lamas, including the Dalai Lama, during a decade-long exploration in India and Nepal.

She teaches workshops and guides meditation & transcendence retreats. She has been a TEDx speaker, a frequent Spanish national TV guest, and an International keynote speaker at events. Her work as a transformational coach for the last sixteen years has helped hundreds of people alleviate their distress and learn to live with greater inner peace.
Currently, she is co-directing a documentary about the path to self-realization, for which she is also the hostess.

A former Economist, she later completed several studies and training in Coaching with NLP (with John Grinder, co-creator of Neuro-Linguistic Programming), leadership at INSEAD (France), Mindfulness at UCLA, psychology and neurosciences at MIT and King's College London, hypnosis at the NLP Center of New York, and more. 

Since 2007, she has taught emotional mastery, self-knowledge, and mindfulness to more than 2,500 executives at companies such as Accenture, Samsung, and Electronic Arts.

She was honored as one of the Top 100 Women Leaders in Spain and one of the Top 10 awarded “Thinkers and Experts." Besides Spain, she has lived in Paris, London, Tanzania, and Asia. She speaks four languages fluently.

“Mónica Esgueva’s book can be life changing if you are ready for it! Most times, the book feels like a peaceful conversation between the author and the reader who is ready to take steps to modify their life. Readers may change their perspectives and view the world with sharper eyes as they rationalize society’s grip on them. The 7 Levels of Wisdom is a good selection for readers who are interested in applying Eastern views to their lives and truly want changes in their mind, body, and spirit.”

- Courtnee Turner Hoyle for Readers’ Favorite


"Monica Esgueva has the rare quality of combining erudition with simplicity to explain the different levels of human spirituality. The 7 Levels of Wisdom is a very clarifying work."

Francesc Miralles

Author of the international bestseller "IKIGAI"

"In her latest book, The 7 Levels of Wisdom, author Mónica Esgueva lucidly presents the case for the evolution of consciousness. She offers helpful and practical advice on dealing with our personality disorders in order to open into Pure Consciousness, which transcends our normal dualistic mind. Despite the sad legacy of our past history, this book remains confident that an upward shift in global consciousness is imminent. It is certainly needed!"

Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo

Western yogini, teacher of Tibetan Buddhism, and founder of the Dongyu Gatsal Ling Nunnery

"A complex and deeply researched examination of how to better understand ourselves and the world around us. The 7 Levels of Wisdom is a must-read for all willing to discover our true purpose in life. This book is magnificent."

Paul Zaentz

Producer of the film The English Patient

"In her engaging and well-researched new book, Mónica Esgueva aims to take readers through the gates of wisdom and enable them to find greater fulfillment and peacefulness in their daily lives."

Richard Zimler

Bestselling author of The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon

"Here’s to a timeless masterpiece that ushers the reader into an inside-out journey of the depths, breadths, and lengths of not just theoretical knowledge but wisdom in its practicality. Indeed, in a world full of many internal struggles, chaos, and diverse exposure to negativities, Monica has just launched a reset designed to build a new generation of purpose-driven minds ready for tangible positive impact and real-time change."

Eden Benibo

Editor-in-chief of Hello ICON magazine

"A book like this is so needed in the Western world. A bridge needs to be built, and Mónica Esgueva is the one doing it."

Mynak Tulku Rinpoche

Spiritual Buddhist leader in Bhutan, ex-director of the Bhutan National Museum and National Library

"Monica is a beautiful soul who put her heart into this book. She delivers the information clearly and beautifully. This book will help you to explore and understand deeper levels of consciousness and spirituality. Highly recommend you pick this one up. A must read."

Heather Hink

Quantum Healing therapist

"The 7 Levels of Wisdom is an incredible book that I consider Core Curriculum on the path to awakening, homecoming and enlightenment. Thank you Mónica for raising the collective consciousness of Earth!"

Krista Xiomara

Podcast host "I’m Awake! Now What?"

"The insightful Mónica Esgueva leads us to an enlightening journey as we delve deep into the awakening of consciousness. Her book is so refreshing, as she sees what is happening in the world. Her message is not just intriguing, but also important: We always have a choice of becoming authentically human and divine."

Carol Saunders

Podcast host "The Spiritual Forum"

An Interview with Mónica Esgueva:
The 7 Levels of Wisdom

Q: First of all, for those who don’t know you, could you tell us what you do?

ME: My mission is to guide people on the path toward awakening. I do that by first helping them identify their wounds and then healing, by assisting them in overcoming their challenges, and by teaching them how to take a higher perspective in everyday life.

I do that in different ways: I have one-on-one transformational coaching sessions, I teach workshops and I guide meditation retreats, I regularly speak at TEDx and other events, and through my books.

Q: Could you explain what is your book, The 7 Levels of Wisdom, about?

ME: The book describes the different stages of human consciousness so that readers can identify where they are on the progressive path toward enlightenment and what lies ahead. The 7 Levels of Wisdom covers topics crucial to understanding and leading a personal transformation.

It shows that the world needs an increased global awareness that the individual’s growth can only achieve. Furthermore, it provides insights and suggestions for reaching the highest stages in this life, giving examples of contemporary individuals who have already attained it.

Q: You dedicate a chapter to the disidentification with the ego. What do you mean by that?

ME: As babies, we don’t have a sense of “I.” With language, concepts and beliefs appear. That sense of “I” is born, and the sense of being a separate and vulnerable entity. We then start developing the sense of an “I” in here, everything else out there, and all of the beliefs about “me.” The ego is this sense of being a “me.”

There is no such thing as a person; the person you believe yourself to be is simply that—a belief. Your body-mind and your notions about yourself are only a vehicle for who you really are. Without self-beliefs that characterize you as a person, all that is left is beingness or your true nature.

Q: How do you become a wise person? Are those people spared from real pain?

ME: When going along with the ego’s choices turns out badly, as it happens more often than not, some of us start to see through the illusion: Thoughts are not always accurate and wise. The “I” represented by thoughts does not work for our benefit. It’s just fixated on immediate pleasure, comfort, and fear of death. It makes a lot of poor choices and causes much suffering.

The ego is like a software we get when incarnating on Earth. It’s just a tool, and it’s a somewhat outdated one for the modern world. It’s obsessed with survival and nothing more.

Q: One of the most famous women in Tibetan Buddhism, Tenzin Palmo, has endorsed your book. Why do you consider her one of the enlightened few at the moment?

ME: Since she was pretty young, she knew she wanted to get enlightened and pursued this goal relentlessly, meditating and focusing on her spiritual work for seven years alone in a cave. Some people think that this would make you crazy. The truth is I have never met anyone so down to earth and yet so evolved. She speaks from experience and with great compassion. I am truly honored that she appreciated the message I conveyed in this book.

Q: Why is it necessary to leave the Matrix?

ME: It’s only necessary if you want to escape what Buddhist call the wheel of Samsara. There is a time on everybody’s path when they have acquired enough maturity to question received beliefs and rules, and they can begin becoming sovereign and willing to cooperate instead of competing. They also realize that the programming received does not bring about the harmony, joy, and love that everyone seeks. Instead, suffering is the result. Usually, even though many people experience suffering for a very long period before awakening, pain tends to be the catalyst that pushes people out of the trance of living like sleepwalkers and prompts real awareness and free choice.

Q: What advice would you give the readers besides reading The 7 Levels of Wisdom?

ME: It’s critical to understand that the ego software is sufficient to sustain life, but it is insufficient to lead the joyful, meaningful, peaceful, and creative existence that everybody aspires to instead of merely existing.

The conditioning and programming are so smart that you have the illusion of making free choices. In reality, you are not running the show. The internal and automatic program is actually making those decisions for you. Your thoughts and beliefs control your life until they are challenged and investigated. The sooner we realize it, the sooner we can start progressing toward fulfillment and inner peace.

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Recent Reviews

The 7 Levels of Wisdom

"Regarding this book, I'm not sure where to begin.

I got this on my sister's advice because I'm a voracious reader of spirituality and found it impossible to put it down. It wonderfully, logically, and with such ease captures how we should spend our lives.

There is something about Monica's writing that really resonates in my mind, like magical phrases to refer to. I frequently find that when I read books of this genre, it first remains in my head but then fade with time. Not the case with this book!"

Tom N.

"Monica Esgueva combines her personal experience with very intriguing research to present a balanced and profound work. The way each level is defined and discussed, along with recommendations for how it might be transcended, is what I found to be most helpful. I found most useful is the way each level is delineated and described with suggestions for how that level may be transcended. It is comparable to having a large "you are HERE" sign in a national park to help you gain the necessary perspective for your quest. The 7 Levels of Wisdom motivates me to continue on my spiritual path more than anything else. It serves as a manual for realizing your greatest potential."

Patricia T.

"I have been a practicing Buddhist for fifteen years and a therapist for ten years. Very few books, with all the knowledge I have obtained, serve to clarify many of the issues with exerting effort in areas that don't produce results and to help me better grasp the results of my activities. It aided me in better understanding people’s behaviors depending on their level of development and what the path ahead looks like for me. I'll surely buy the next book she publishes."

Robert V.

"I've studied with various mystics and spiritual masters and read a lot of spiritual books. This book simplifies a variety of spiritual truths and universal laws into bite-sized pieces that may be ingested by both novice and seasoned seekers. In addition to that, I love the innovative concept of the different levels of evolution. It’s going to be extremely helpful on my own journey."

James T.

"The 7 Levels of Wisdom examines the stages of human evolution and practical ways to understand your own and, therefore, others. It also shows what to cultivate to aid your own development and live a more aware, peaceful and happy life."

Jennifer M.

"For as long as I can remember, I have been seeking growth. I have gone through many books and programs, finding some useful and others to be a waste of time. I am now very picky about what I will go fully into and what I will skim and discard. This is a book I went into fully.

This is a life-changing book for me."

Amanda B.

"One of the best books I've ever read, possibly! Even though I had only read the first two chapters, I went back to the beginning and underlined all the excellent information I would like to read again and again. After reading this book, I feel like a completely different person! More peaceful and much more conscious!"

Mary L.

“Esgueva provides a series of carefully orchestrated exercises and realizations, guiding readers past ethical quandaries and into territory that leads to enlightenment. Perhaps nowhere else in new age and self-help or spiritual literature is the importance and challenge of this process so succinctly and clearly defined as described in The 7 Levels of Wisdom."

- D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review

What people are saying

"The 7 Levels of Wisdom offers a framework for personal growth and transformation. Handy book to own!"


"The 7 Levels of Wisdom is a well-researched, dutifully constructed, and wholly impassioned examination on how to understand better ourselves and the world around us, at a time when the Gates of Wisdom seem always locked to us."

Exclusive Magazine

"This book is revelatory and inspiring... It gives us the opportunity to view our experiences, positive and negative, as milestones on a journey, opportunities to learn and grow and come out the other side better and more connected to the world around us. I'm so glad I got to read this and I know I will come back to it again and again in my journey."

Marissa Fitzgerald

"The 7 Levels of Wisdom discusses the stages of human development, mindfulness, meditation, and the difference between religion and spirituality. She encourages readers to view the world with sharper eyes, offering a framework for personal growth and transformation. Handy book to own."

Sarah-Jane Ward

"I highly recommend “The 7 Levels of Wisdom”. Why? Because until now, a meaningful guidance has been lacking.

Against a backdrop of an increasingly aggressive ego-driven and turbulent world, Mónica Esgueva provides that guidance as she applies her training in diverse Western disciplines as well as her experiences of Eastern philosophies and spiritual practices to show the path forward.

Certainly this book is a fascinating, rich, and compelling read—but it is even more. On the whole, it is a transformational guide that can challenge you to put in the work to develop practices to make positive changes in your daily life. And through those changes live a purposeful life and experience growing serenity and happiness. So, that you ultimately do become the change, serve as an example for others, and contribute to making the world a friendlier place.

I hope you’ll read The 7 Levels of Wisdom so you can benefit directly from what the Mónica has to share."

Walter Akana

Career Coach and Personal Branding Strategist

Other Mónica's Books in Spanish

el infinito empieza aqui

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A transformational novel

el infinito empieza aqui

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The Infinity Starts Here

A spiritual adventure

Mindfulness una guia practica

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A practical guide

10 claves para alcanzar tus sueños

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10 Keys to Achieving Your Dreams

Apply coaching in your life

Cuando sea feliz

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When You Will Be Happy

A revolutionary path to true happiness

Los 3 pilares de la felicidad

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The 3 Pillars of Happiness

Turn your mind into your best ally

Donde pueda rozar tu corazón

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Where I Can Reach Your Heart

Only in Spanish

Messages for the Soul

Wisdom for Everyday Life in Difficult Times

Mónica Esgueva is an author, teacher, speaker, and spiritual guide whose work touches people profoundly, inspiring transformations in their day-to-day lives. She has a distinct voice, appealing to people from many backgrounds, showing a path of expansion of consciousness from wherever you are right now.

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