I do not know if you noticed, but in the last few years there has been a growing polarization with which people are getting themselves involved. Family members and close friends are not talking to each other for no other reason than politics, taking sides and going into full confrontation as if their lives depended on it. Not just politics, but almost every aspect of life has been reflecting this polarization. Additionally, there has a definite ramping up in the media of fear mongering stories, whether in the US or in Europe. Duality at its maximum expression. We know the old adage: “Divide and conquer”.
These circumstances increase both fear and stress, which has contributed to weakening the immune system. There is a clear possibility that there was a whole global plan in play to stop us finding out our true power as divine beings.
These are ideal moments to use the alchemy of life to transform our fear, anger and sadness into love, forgiveness and understanding.
We live in a lovely and rich planet and yet so removed from oneness and love, and this must finally change.
We are the forerunners, the pioneers who help birth a new consciousness on Earth today. In the current stage of our inner and outer transformation, there is still much confusion present. We have one foot in a new reality, a new way of conceiving and experiencing things, but the other foot is in sort of a vacuum.
This new concept of awakened consciousness is unknown territory and it does not seem to resonate yet with the outside world, or the traditional values and habits that are followed by the majority. A large part of society still seems to embrace old and worn out belief systems, fed by fear and the need to control. Fortunately, a lot is changing and much of what seemed self evident before is tumbling down and falling apart. I believe this is only the beginning.
Huge shifts of energy are taking place and are affecting us in countless ways. Increasing numbers of people are opening their eyes and changing their consciousness. When individuals start to think differently, they ask new questions and doubt the existing order. By doing so, they are inviting a new energy into their lives. This enables a new dynamic to come in, and drastically start altering our lifestyle and circumstances.
We can see how the current developments often create resistance, disharmony, and insecurity within many of us. This is normal when one is involved in a deep inner transformation that will change our life completely.
Let’s remember that this is our conscious choice. There was a longing in our heart, even before we were born, to clean the darkness away, to dissolve our past traumas, to recover our sovereignty and contribute towards a new reality being born on Earth. This is happening now. Keep up the good work and be loyal to your soul commitment.