We are collectively on a path of transformation, from the old world to a new one we still need to  build. It is not something that can happen from one day to another as a sudden change. It just takes time. There is a time of apparent chaos that is probably needed in order to break down old dated belief systems and institutions that are no longer helpful as they are supposed to be. Bringing down those belief systems and many other  systems in our society to a place of a complete blank slate is probably required. Although for many, this is interpreted as chaos since people tend to be comfortable only with what they know, even if that damages them.

This is not a time to look back at what it used to be but rather to look forward to what we really want in our lives and in our world. Who do we want to become? What kind of society we want to build for future generations? What kind of legacy we want to leave to them? What sort of values we want to teach them? Looking back only causes grief and slows us down. In times of change, we need to keep grounded and confident. We need to be there, not for those that are deep ingrained in negativity, but for those who are in the midst of confusion, but are perhaps ready to make a jump and need a bit of guidance.

We must remember that our capacity to love is deep. And so it is our capacity to fear. That is exactly the power of control that gets everybody in trouble, and is fostered by fear. We must learn to conquer our own fears so we are not easily manipulated. We must feed our capacity for loving-kindness to create the world we want to see and live in.

We are indeed in the middle of a profound change process. It may take a few years, and we are all part of it. We can affect it by the way we think, speak and act. Each of us has the opportunity to take a stand. We are contributing to the collective consciousness, whether we are aware of it or not. Therefore, let’s make a difference in a conscious manner. The power has to come from within, and that is where spiritual growth comes from. The world is in great need at this time. All people’s actions are very important. Let’s serve humanity so together we can evolve and develop a more compassionate and wise world.

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